Awful, hope yours comes through OK.
I've been reading about so many attacks by pit bull type dogs recently, apparently there's been a big increase in "American Staffy" imports which are basically pit bulls with a different name. Someone's mini poodle got killed in East London a couple of days ago too. I'm turning hyper aware for for my little one because I don't think she even knows how to defend herself and there's some real shady people around my area.One thing that really pissed me off the other day, I was throwing a tennis ball for mine, not very far cos she's lazy, and someone starts calling to me from a distance away. I ignored it at first because I didn't realise it was to me but when I turned around it was a middle aged frail looking woman with a massive staffy, must have been crossed with something else, that was pulling her along. We made eye contact and she just gestured to her dog and that was enough for me to know that I don't want mine anywhere near hers. It's such a bullshit situation that people can be walking around with dogs so dangerous they need to warn others of their approach and even more bullshit that if you know yours is like that to then walk it around without at least a muzzle.
"American Staffy" imports which are basically pit bulls with a different name.
This statement simply is not true. The American Staffordshire Terrier is a breed of dog, quite distinct from the pit bull (American Pit Bull Terrier), recognised by the different US equivalents of the Kennel Club. It is not a pit bull, but a show dog. I very much doubt they are being imported to the UK in any significant numbers. It is American Bullies and XL Bullies (as opposed to American Bulldogs) that have been imported and are currently popular in the UK, but this is a different breed and, again, not a pit bull, but often owned by people who wish they could own a pit bull.
I've been reading about so many attacks by pit bull type dogs recently
What do you mean by a "pit bull type"? Most journalists/people, couldn't recognise a pit bull if it licked their hand and pretty much every story I read (e.g. the Scottish RSPCA recent petition to repeal the Dangerous Dogs Act) is accompanied by a photo of a vicious looking dog, labelled a pit bull, which is not actually a pit bull.
If the woman you mention in your anectdote had her dog on a lead and gestured for you to keep your dog away, then she was acting responsibly if her dog is reactive (which it could be for any number of reasons).
Apologies for coming across as defensive, but I get tired of this kind of misinformation.
That's so horrible, fingers crossed for a full recovery! It's absolutely unbelievable that the dog wasn't muzzled or under better control. You'd think that if the dog was capable of a seemingly unprovoked attack the owners would be aware of a behavioural issue and would hope that they'd act accordingly.
Edit: sorry, that was directed at @allshookup
It’s sadly mine and my dog’s turn with a horrible story of dog attack. Out for a sunny evening walk, about an hour into it,someone coming toward us on sea wall path, their dog on a lead…all good until suddenly they’re shouting as their dog now pelting toward us in attack mode, I tried unsuccessfully to stand between, the dog went straight through me and the wife and clamped on to my dog. Jaws locked snarling, such massive aggression, i punched and kicked the fuck out of it as my poor elderly sweet natured girl “screamed”. We (the owner) got it off after a bit. our dog left with massive trauma (2nd time this has happened to her) and massive torn wound, I’ve got dog bites and puncture wounds on my legs. I just despair, I really do. Why would anyone have a need to have a hyper aggressive dog capable of this? To be fair she (owner) was super apologetic and says she will pay the vet bill. I heard it all “never done this before” “the lead broke” “it can’t wear a muzzle” all that shit, while looking at my lovely old bleeding dog, crying wife and my own cuts.
I have reported it to the police and have been to a&e for treatment. I am a dog lover but right now I feel that beast of an animal needs putting down.