It's a one-off build by this gentleman: https://www.instagram.com/miwisbastelbude/ He sold the frameset to a friend of his, who built it up with proper good/bling parts.
The story:
I went back to Hungary for a week to visit friends & family, and one of my friends is a bike collector, who showed me the frame and asked what could it be, because he never saw that headbadge before. He bought it at a scrap market. I took some pics, posted it here and to ig, and there a guy messaged me and directed me towards the builder, then I got into contact with the last owner.
Apparently it was stolen as whole in Austria a few months ago.
Needless to say the parts were never found, only the frame+fork got here. The owner was supper happy to get it back, he drove to my city and picked it up and told some nice stories of his adventures on/with the bike. :) He will build it up again asap.
So everyone went home happy, it's quite rare that a stolen bike returns home, was truly heartwarming.
^ turns out it's a one-off home built frame and it was actually stolen, currently working on getting it returned to its rightful owner.