Yeah, It was more fitting with a previous build. Pros for keeping are I spent a fortune on bearing pullers after a misleading ebay listing promised it had new bearings but neglected to mention they were jammed solid, leading to pro two, now with silky bearings! Also, they are on the bike. Cons: gearing isn't really in line with intended use. I've checked, and the don't say Middleburn on them anywhere, which seems like a missed opportunity. And they are already on the bike, so not such project. Mmm.
Yeah, It was more fitting with a previous build. Pros for keeping are I spent a fortune on bearing pullers after a misleading ebay listing promised it had new bearings but neglected to mention they were jammed solid, leading to pro two, now with silky bearings! Also, they are on the bike. Cons: gearing isn't really in line with intended use. I've checked, and the don't say Middleburn on them anywhere, which seems like a missed opportunity. And they are already on the bike, so not such project. Mmm.
Bin wash. Hacks and bodges.
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