After a couple of bits for a new build, wanted to ask before I try and find new.
[1] Set of Paul Klamper Post mount, purple prefered but would take silver.
[2] I.S. to post adapters for 160mm rotors
[3] 160mm rotors, 6 bolt
[4] A silver set of cranks, looking at White Industries G30 but a little hard to get, would consider anything else which fits the bill.
[5] Shimano 105 11s brake levers.
[6] Paul boxcar stem, 90-110mm, in silver or purple.
After a couple of bits for a new build, wanted to ask before I try and find new.
[1] Set of Paul Klamper Post mount, purple prefered but would take silver.
[2] I.S. to post adapters for 160mm rotors
[3] 160mm rotors, 6 bolt
[4] A silver set of cranks, looking at White Industries G30 but a little hard to get, would consider anything else which fits the bill.
[5] Shimano 105 11s brake levers.
[6] Paul boxcar stem, 90-110mm, in silver or purple.