It all depends on timing of course, with 10g I'd hope they'd bake them within hours after making the dough? With 02.g yeast the pre-ferment is left at room temperature overnight, and then another 6-7 hours of proofing of the final dough, and an overnight retard. So that's a total of 48 hours.
I’m giving these ratios ago, don’t have scales that are capable of 0.2g so used about the right amount based on how much of a teaspoon it should be (1/8 ish or something).
Not noticing much rise from the biga after 6 hours ish, should I be seeing any or does it happen overnight?
It all depends on timing of course, with 10g I'd hope they'd bake them within hours after making the dough? With 02.g yeast the pre-ferment is left at room temperature overnight, and then another 6-7 hours of proofing of the final dough, and an overnight retard. So that's a total of 48 hours.