Let them be... I left mine by the kitchen window which isn't that bright so partly shaded, only water when soil is dry, no misting. If you bought yours from a supermarket or anywhere that isn't a proper gardening place, check the roots to make sure they are not bounded in a mesh bag.
It's a quick and easy way for growers to grow plants inside the supposedly biodegradable bags, then pot the baby plants with the bags into bigger pots etc, but the reality is these bags don't always disappear. Mine was growing like weed until the roots were so so restricted from one of those bags that it died.
Give them a couple of weeks to settle the dig them out to check. Or you might be able to see the bag if you dig out the top inch or 2 of soil. I hope you don't have a bag, they are nasty things.
Today I bought 2 Aloe Vera plants on a whim when today (one big, one small) whilst I was in the range...
I was wondering what the best method for keeping them is? I've had a look online and there is fairly mixed methods and I'm fairly clueless when it comes to plants!