• I've been riding an alu MTB around for yonks with a bigger fold in it than that in the top tube and the Cuntster (Crackster) has been my pub bike for years with the cracked seattube junction.

    I did ride a 300k audax with a zip tie holding the front of my bike on once with a cracked downtube though so erm we may have different levels of risk acceptance. :)

    If you're worried can you not just wack a longer seatpost in until you can get it sorted?

  • Hello Hippy, how was your trip?

    It's all sorted now, Isen were great and swapped my frame and completed the insurance quote which was paid out the same day so I'm currently riding a new Isen which is lovely with a replacement being made. It was a few days or worrying but that was mainly having the excitement of completing LEJOG wiped away by what seemed like a bad situation. (I was being dramatic)

  • Ah, yeah, I see that was weeks ago.

    I had my first DNF. Picked up a cold, had a few mechanicals. None of them stopped me but my pace was so far removed from what it should've been that I pulled the pin after riding CP5 parcours, so I could still get back on the train without creating a massive logistically issue with Covid tests and trains and flights. So, I'm beating myself up for the rest of the year until I achieve some other goal or drink enough to forget the issues.
    Entered a 10mi for some LOLs https://twitter.com/firsthippy/status/1432653402018828288
