1 spot seems to be 9 x 9v, 1 x 18v and 2 x 4-9v. I don't think any of my pedals can run at 18v which kinda rules that out.
I use the Truetone CS12, with one of these. Works perfectly.
Edit: However! The CS12 has:
2x 18v DC 100mA
4x 9/12v DC 100mA
1x 4-9v (variable) DC 100mA
2x 9v DC 250mA
2x 9v DC 500mA
1x 9v AC 800mASo there are only 11 potential 9v DC outputs - you can’t use the AC output (unless you have an AC pedal, but who does?)
1 spot seems to be 9 x 9v, 1 x 18v and 2 x 4-9v. I don't think any of my pedals can run at 18v which kinda rules that out. Voodoo lab has the same issue. the more I think about it the future proofing and flexibility of the gigrig seems like a good idea. https://www.andertons.co.uk/gigrig-bundle-w-1-x-generator-2-x-distributor?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=surfaces&gclid=CjwKCAjw4KyJBhAbEiwAaAQbE6E4v1JhnK3r34T5cvMwXbgIidfluHXxFVcGdSZ7L0Sf-0kFhOCjdRoCNsUQAvD_BwE