1 spot seems to be 9 x 9v, 1 x 18v and 2 x 4-9v. I don't think any of my pedals can run at 18v which kinda rules that out. Voodoo lab has the same issue. the more I think about it the future proofing and flexibility of the gigrig seems like a good idea. https://www.andertons.co.uk/gigrig-bundle-w-1-x-generator-2-x-distributor?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=surfaces&gclid=CjwKCAjw4KyJBhAbEiwAaAQbE6E4v1JhnK3r34T5cvMwXbgIidfluHXxFVcGdSZ7L0Sf-0kFhOCjdRoCNsUQAvD_BwE
Voodoo lab has the same issue
I just checked and the Pedal Power 3 Plus definitely has twelve 9v outs. It's just that two of them are switchable for 9v or 12v. There are two additional outs at the end for their expansion bus ("X-LINK").
Very much not cheap though, especially compared to that Harley Benton.
1 spot seems to be 9 x 9v, 1 x 18v and 2 x 4-9v. I don't think any of my pedals can run at 18v which kinda rules that out.
I use the Truetone CS12, with one of these. Works perfectly.
Edit: However! The CS12 has:
2x 18v DC 100mA
4x 9/12v DC 100mA
1x 4-9v (variable) DC 100mA
2x 9v DC 250mA
2x 9v DC 500mA
1x 9v AC 800mASo there are only 11 potential 9v DC outputs - you can’t use the AC output (unless you have an AC pedal, but who does?)
1 Spot CS12 is quite a bit cheaper than the Voodoo Lab, I have no experience of the Truetone stuff but might be worth looking into.