Last time I checked in Waltham Forest you could get a resident's permit for 2nd car but it was much more expensive than the first car. Or maybe that was before they changed it to emissions based.
Is it one per person now? I guess as our car is registered to mrs, I could get another one if needed?
Hoping to avoid 2nd car but occasionally get tempted by an interesting thing or electric.
Nope. It’s pretty hardcore but also a bit necessary as congestion/pollution is mental enough, let alone actual parking spaces. It’s always a nice surprise visiting other parts of the country and you can pretty much park wherever you want and not spending 45 minutes going 200m down Romford road.
Basically, cars in London are just a massive pain in the arse. I managed to not need one for the first 30+ years of my life here but had a kid and suddenly doing anything outside ever became tricky without one.