It has definitely changed the way I approach song practice between the electric and acoustic sound. For the moment I’m more concentrating on getting a good sound and solid changes.
I’ve been practicing C major scale on open position and the minor pentatonic scales as well. I improvise over the top of backing tracks and for around 30 seconds this week I actually had something that could be described as music!!
6 months ago… Only gonna play acoustic, no need for electric. Never gonna need pedals…
Got myself a Fender Player Strat (I love, wife hates).
Am going to create a wet/dry setup using my Roland Street Cube.
Guitar into a/b switch. Dry signal into instrument channel of amp. Wet signal to comprise of chorus, reverb and delay. My Big Boy delay pedal also takes an effects loop so I’m going to throw a pitch shifter on there. This signal into the second channel on the amp..
That’ll do it and I definitely won’t need anything else.