I have one of these https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/363335083501 It's very compact compared to a full size one and gives decent straight cuts with some cheapo rails (which are also very compact).
Realistically though you still need a workmate or something to clamp your work to and a vac to extract the dust (although I just used my home Miele one for quite a while) and it will still be fairly dusty.
I have a Hychika branded thing which is near identical but slightly cheaper and comes with a soft case, which is a bit more flat-friendly than the hard plastic one.
It cuts lovely straight edges. I never had any luck keeping a jigsaw blade from wandering, even with the base plate firmly against a guide.
Is there a flat friendly wood saw / table for cutting accurate pieces? Something small and compact? Not sure what I'm asking...
I had to cut a shelf to size and ended up using a dremel... Let's just say it's not the cleanest of edges.