• My place is about to start a trial of minimum 3 days in the office on the basis that a lot of the work we do requires collaboration. With offices all around the UK the non-London offices have loved this WFH period as they say they have been on an equal footing and felt they have been able to influence things more. Will be interesting to see how things pan out on that front.

    For the days I have to be in the office I'll end up arriving late and leaving early to do the nursery/school run. I won't be making up the lost work hours in my own time because this time around the office managers had a choice. Before lockdown, mass WFH was an unknown entity and at least where I am it has been shown to work very well in most cases. I'm not going to be penalised for their choice when I could easily have worked from home that day with higher output, happiness, and fatter wallet.

  • a lot of the work we do requires collaboration

    I think someone mentioned this earlier on. I've never heard that my role needs such serious innovation and collaboration so much from senior managers and their hangers-on until recently.

    Before about three weeks ago, the word never crossed their lips, nor did they ever show much concern for the apparent boost to people health from face-to-face working.

    I'm a software developer, the only collaboration I've ever needed has been one to one with a BA or other devs, and that's been far better managed using WFH tools. I've literally had days in the past where I've come into the office, put earplugs in and not spoken to anyone for hours (not proud of that!).
