I thought it might be slightly shorter, maybe 370-375mm but the external headset adds a bit of stack. My current bike is 402/582mm and your geo puts this at 400/574mm. Close enough to sort with an extra spacer if I’ve miscalculated the headset height.
If it’s shorter then it’s just the stack which is a potential issue but again the steerer looks long enough, maybe 3cm of spacers on it above the headset cup.
I’ve made an offer…
Edit: and he’s accepted it. I guess I’ll find out how long the fork is now!
I thought it might be slightly shorter, maybe 370-375mm but the external headset adds a bit of stack. My current bike is 402/582mm and your geo puts this at 400/574mm. Close enough to sort with an extra spacer if I’ve miscalculated the headset height.
If it’s shorter then it’s just the stack which is a potential issue but again the steerer looks long enough, maybe 3cm of spacers on it above the headset cup.
I’ve made an offer…
Edit: and he’s accepted it. I guess I’ll find out how long the fork is now!