Pretty nice conversion using our HypeE kit and 4 Tesla batteries.
@Libraio have you got any more information about your kit
and the DVLA side of things? Edit: spotted the NL on the plates so you won’t have had much to do with the DVLA! I have been mulling over the idea of EV converting a classic for some time.
Can’t help you with the DVLA I’m afraid, but the motor and controller combo have an EU certification. Not much use to you though… It makes the conversion a bit simpler; most of the electricy parts are in the box on top of the motor. And it comes with a manual that explains how to wire things up and how the BMS works with different battery setups. Still requires comon sense and reading up on things but it is doable. The Fiat was the converters first conversion, he is a pro mechanic though. Only a few oversights on his part, but they were colour coding related. The diff on the pics is our transverse solution with a reduction gear.
A client just dropped this of to get the paperwork done with our DVLA (RDW).
Pretty nice conversion using our HypeE kit and 4 Tesla batteries. He adjusted the power output a bit to save the tires/gearbox/driveshaft. 80kW instead of 18kW is a bit much apparently…