• In the beginning, God made 10-speeds and BMX bikes and that was plenty. But then the 1980's came and we discovered “lifestyle sports.” Modern adventure was born and a new kind of bike was needed and so a new kind of bike was marketed to your dad. Designed for the full spectrum of Earth's awe-inspiring topography, these new bikes were strong, rugged and knobby. But capitalist big bike greed created a schism and thus two opposing groups formed; MTB vs. ATB. Mountain bikers chased speed, comfort and lift access in the form of consumer driven technological imperatives. While All Terrain bikers focused on adventure, problem solving and life affirming experiences. Alas, Mountain Bikers and their insatiable thirst for full-face helmets won, and the art of All Terrain Bicycling was lost forever. Or was it?

    @maj are you behind this

  • @Maj: I'm somewhat concerned by the failure to recognise that 'ATB' here signifies a true post-modern construct.

    Unlike say those Super-8 Specialized videos, it doesn't pretend to be 'authentic', or indeed anything other than a reselling of a fictionalised past, itself largely based on marketing narratives.


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