• Off the top of my head (and I don't know the cars, so take this with a pinch of salt):

    • Timing, whether that's belts (change) or chains (check tensioners, guides)
    • Fresh water pump
    • Change coolant (hard not to when swapping the water pump)
    • Pull oil filter, check the paper for swarf, plastic granules, random bolts etc
    • Maybe change the oil pump if being super paranoid
    • Change the oil, send it for analysis if being super paranoid
    • Fresh spark plugs
    • Air filters
    • Cabin filter
    • Change transmission oil/fluid
    • Change diff-oil
    • Check the brake fluid and change if it's old
    • Pads and discs - are the discs rusty on the inside face?
    • Get a laser alignment done, when the cars in the air check the bump stops, the shocks and springs
    • And see if it's missing under-body plastic shields, metal heat shields, what state are the jacking points in?
    • Gas struts for the boot and the bonnet, are they old and lazy? If so, change them (or put a stick in the boot to prop them open in cold weather)
    • What's in the tool-kit? Replace missing tools
    • Is the spare tyre rooted?
    • How old are the tyres? Get a durometer and replace them all if they've hardened up as they'll be a menace otherwise
    • Are the tyres cheap crap? If so, maybe bin them anyway and replace with decent rubber
    • Air-con, get it checked, replace the buggered bits
    • Clean the rad/s out if they fill up with crap on these cars (996's hoover megatons of crap into the rads)
    • And on and on really
  • Cool, great list thanks. Tyres will be going definitely, I’ll get the alignment done then. Might have to cover some of that incrementally!
