we have a new child on the way and guest room allows family (not all in UK) to come and stay, plus loads of our friends aren’t local so the guest room could mean we get to see people more if we can invite them.
The extra room lets us do something we couldn’t really do otherwise (have people over lots) whereas the extra kitchen / diner space is just more pleasant. How do you weigh those up? They’re both quality of life gains, just different ones.
Edit: realise this has got me into my torment over what to do which is a diversion from the ‘how to’ bit - which I kind of hoped would help answer that query! Hope I don’t sound too defensive - I just really can’t tell which bit would actually make the biggest lifestyle improvement, hence indecision...
Doesn't sound defensive at all, its really tough to weigh up and comes down to personal preference.
If you wanted to go nuts, you could draw out your week as a user flow and make pains/gains as per https://blog.prototypr.io/journey-mapping-pain-points-success-moments-ac2d6cbcafae and that may help you decide?
Worth noting extensions will be a lot more than lofts, and cost is always a consideration.
How often do you need an extra guest room?
How often do you cook/live?