I did the same last night a quick Google ended up nearly 3 hours. I even found a uk site selling an SARM based stack named triple threat comprising of Ostarine, Cardarine and Rad-140. For power, endurance and recovery. A bit more digging revealed another triple threat of Liver disease, Cancer and Brain damage which sounds less appealing. It seems like a lot of the suspensions for these types of drugs come in waves before moving on like loads of positive tests for Caradine after Beijing. The scariest thing is that anyone can just buy this poison much of it having had no human trials easily and cheaply on the Internet and just take as much of it as they want doing so much potential damage. At least you'd expect serious or pro athletes to be more careful about their dosage and on/off cycles and have blood work and other regular health checks to minimise these massive potential risks. A hopefully small minority of elite athletes cheating is obviously bad but there has to be many thousands of informed users on this shit doing huge damage without any idea or even caring. Having googled it last night I'm getting loads of pop up ads this morning for Predator nutrition who sell these types of drugs so it's just a couple of clicks away for those who want it. At least back in the day you had to know a guy or two like one with the drugs another with a moped to hook you up now now its easier to order than your groceries from Sainsburys. Maybe I'm more shocked and surprised than i should be but i think this is terrifying.
At least one of the sites I looked at was pretty blatant about the side effects.
Sure a lot of people still don’t care though.
I was quite surprised Rich Piana’s company still exists and clearly hasn’t needed any rebranding to continue selling the stuff that basically killed the guy!
Rich Piana i think his followers gloss over the fact thats what killed him. A top tip from a bodybuilding forum is to buy the banned stuff because that means its stronger therefore better and take double the recommended dosage for double the gains. Ok Doctor meat head i can't query that logic.
I did the same last night a quick Google ended up nearly 3 hours. I even found a uk site selling an SARM based stack named triple threat comprising of Ostarine, Cardarine and Rad-140. For power, endurance and recovery. A bit more digging revealed another triple threat of Liver disease, Cancer and Brain damage which sounds less appealing. It seems like a lot of the suspensions for these types of drugs come in waves before moving on like loads of positive tests for Caradine after Beijing. The scariest thing is that anyone can just buy this poison much of it having had no human trials easily and cheaply on the Internet and just take as much of it as they want doing so much potential damage. At least you'd expect serious or pro athletes to be more careful about their dosage and on/off cycles and have blood work and other regular health checks to minimise these massive potential risks. A hopefully small minority of elite athletes cheating is obviously bad but there has to be many thousands of informed users on this shit doing huge damage without any idea or even caring. Having googled it last night I'm getting loads of pop up ads this morning for Predator nutrition who sell these types of drugs so it's just a couple of clicks away for those who want it. At least back in the day you had to know a guy or two like one with the drugs another with a moped to hook you up now now its easier to order than your groceries from Sainsburys. Maybe I'm more shocked and surprised than i should be but i think this is terrifying.