Isn’t the watermelon another American cultural reference point that people who grew up in the UK might be forgiven for not connecting with racist stereotyping of black people?
I had no idea of the connection until I googled it, I’d always associated the watermelon with Mediterranean and south Asian fruit medleys as this is how I first encountered them.
I suppose it doesn't matter. Its racist and an international brand should do better than that, mistake or not. I agree with you though, assuming that everybody sees it for what is is immediately is not constructive.
This. I knew about it and I'm from a parochial hell hole with no concept of diversity. Marketing departments for international brands "missing" this is borderline criminal.
Isn’t the watermelon another American cultural reference point that people who grew up in the UK might be forgiven for not connecting with racist stereotyping of black people?
I had no idea of the connection until I googled it, I’d always associated the watermelon with Mediterranean and south Asian fruit medleys as this is how I first encountered them.