Hmmm, I've been a victim of the core shorts going see through on one panel. They've offered me a 30 quid voucher, which I don't think is great, given that a replacement costs 85 quid, and they're only 3 years old. Is that par for the course for what others have received?
seriously, 3 years! how can you possibly hold a company to that sort of standard. I don't think I've ever even had a pair of jeans last more than 3 years before going at the crotch, and they're literally made of denim.
£85 is not much for a pair of bibs and £55 is an utter bargain.
Hmmm, I've been a victim of the core shorts going see through on one panel. They've offered me a 30 quid voucher, which I don't think is great, given that a replacement costs 85 quid, and they're only 3 years old. Is that par for the course for what others have received?