The more I look the more I forget what my initial budget was and start to think 'Yeah £1,500 looks like a reasonable option' then I look at the lower prices again and reliase it may be a bit over the top to spend that much.
Hadn't been looking at pricerunner but have since you posted this and it has the best filtering options I've seen, been able to find some good options in the right size filtered with VRR and 4k so will check through the list to see what's looking like a good deal.
Depends on budget but the 48” LG OLED is objectively the best choice at that size for any gaming.
I have a 65” GX OLED and it’s incredible with both the Series X and PS5.
Looks to be around £1k: https://www.pricerunner.com/pl/2-5171556/TVs/LG-OLED48CX-Compare-Prices