Lightening up things with a ‘I’m an idiot’ post - I’ve been removing miles of wiring from an old obsolete alarm system from our house, bit by bit. Thought I was done with the hallway but found another bit today which I figured I’d quickly snip and pull out of the wall. Except when I cut it the doorbell went ding-dong and now I have to fiddle it back together. At least there was a little bit extra under the wallpaper (which I also hate and must do something about, any year now).
Lightening up things with a ‘I’m an idiot’ post - I’ve been removing miles of wiring from an old obsolete alarm system from our house, bit by bit. Thought I was done with the hallway but found another bit today which I figured I’d quickly snip and pull out of the wall. Except when I cut it the doorbell went ding-dong and now I have to fiddle it back together. At least there was a little bit extra under the wallpaper (which I also hate and must do something about, any year now).
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