So yesterday took a total of 14h 10m, including 4 charge stops, to cover a distance of 672 miles from door to door. So roughly 50mph average including stops.
Cost: £52.92 of Tesla Supercharger cost & £12.50 of home charging - £65
Energy cost: 215kw or 319Wh per mile - not bad considering it's all motorway, 3 up with 2 weeks of luggage.
So yesterday took a total of 14h 10m, including 4 charge stops, to cover a distance of 672 miles from door to door. So roughly 50mph average including stops.
Cost: £52.92 of Tesla Supercharger cost & £12.50 of home charging - £65
Energy cost: 215kw or 319Wh per mile - not bad considering it's all motorway, 3 up with 2 weeks of luggage.