How bright is too bright?
How blind are you? I'm fucking blind in low light, so I never regret good illumination. I'd also make sure the colour temp is right. 4000k is a lot nicer to look at than 1000k. Painting the walls white will deffo help illumination.
If you're working on bikes down there, I'd deffo want to err on the side of more light. Doing fiddly things in poor light makes them a lot harder in my experience. I'd also opt for having longer batons so the light is more even.
Going to upgrade the lighting in the cellar. Looking at LED batten lights instead of the single bulb there now. Cellar mostly used for storage, bike tinkering and DIY projects. Walls + ceiling will be painted white, grubby cement floor. Probably go for 2x battens in the main part of the cellar and a single in the narrow side-room.
Has anyone done similar? How bright is too bright? I was thinking of going for single 40W 1.7m battens at 5200lm. Or would it make more sense to go shorter and brighter (e.g. twin 60W 1.4m battens at 7200lm)?