I've fitted two successive Beto heads on a Pedros track pump over the last 5 years. I had to shave the hose down a little to fit inside the Beto barrel clamp. The Betos are OK but I'll try Topeak next after these reccos.
I got the pump at a jumble for a fiver, the guy didn't tell me the head was dead. It was the same jumble where I bought a 10s quick-link in the packaging that turned out to be >1% worn. Disgusting behaviour. Essex jumbles... I tell ya. Horrific.
I've fitted two successive Beto heads on a Pedros track pump over the last 5 years. I had to shave the hose down a little to fit inside the Beto barrel clamp. The Betos are OK but I'll try Topeak next after these reccos.
I got the pump at a jumble for a fiver, the guy didn't tell me the head was dead. It was the same jumble where I bought a 10s quick-link in the packaging that turned out to be >1% worn. Disgusting behaviour. Essex jumbles... I tell ya. Horrific.