Indeed, there's a new major release in the works and the 'waiting for Godot' line is getting thrown around a lot!
Also, if you do want to play around with PyGame, this site has recently written up PyGame versions of its existing Lua-based tutorials. They're pretty simple and easy to follow, great intro to game dev if you're content with working on simple games at first. While using an engine is a lot more user-friendly overall, when using a lower-level framework you can just copy-paste the tutorial code if yours isn't working properly to find the errors, as there's nothing more than text files. As opposed to digging through a bunch of menus to find the obscure engine setting that's different on your machine.
Minecraft coding camp sounds pretty awesome though!
If you're looking into dabbling in game dev, I'd recommend checking out Godot. It uses its own language, but it's very, very similar to Python. It can do both 3D & 2D, and is a fully fledged engine so much more visual than PyGame which will just be text and image files (I spent quite a long time working with a Lua equivalent of PyGame, and while it's more interesting to me to deal with a lower level framework, I don't think that'd likely be the case for a child!). This channel has some decent tutorials for both: https://www.youtube.com/c/KidscancodeOrg/playlists