• I drive a 190k 20year old diesel that does 60mpg. It burns fuel efficiently albeit leaving nasty particulates unburnt. I'm doing this in my own country and seeing and feeling guilty on the effects of it. There is a revulsion to the tons of the stuff that it has chucked out over the years. But, the amount of harm its production caused is diminishing by every mile that gets put on to it. The parts for maintenance are similar to any new vehicle and parts for repair come from a pool of vehicles life expired.
    What I am not doing is sitting in my EV feeling holier than though, whilst swathes of, generally, the third world is being dug up and poisoned whilst using child labour to do it.
    Ethical values, we all need more and need to know where to place them. Don't get me wrong, I'm the last to be righteous, (and preaching) sat here surrounded by goods made by children in third word countries whilst the bosses fly off in to space.
    But I don't feel good about it.

  • sat here surrounded by goods made by children in third world countries whilst the bosses fly off in to space

    nicely put.

    I'd like to see a bit more transparency on the sustainability (or otherwise, I just don't know at this point) of Li or other forms of battery. At the moment, it does feel as though we are exporting our pollution to places conveniently out of sight.

  • It's so hard and who pays for the analysis?

    It may have changed, but I know someone who worked with a major multinational retailer about 7-10yrs ago to ensure all their cotton came from reputable sources.

    Iirc the best they could do was guarantee 60%, as tracing was so hard to do.
