Interesting idea with the trowling. It’s in my studio so plasterboard is screwed to flat osb.
The issue I think I’ll have with contact adhesive is that there’s no wiggle time to get the ply seated correctly. The top edges of the boards need to slip behind an LED light track and each sheet (there’s 4 on each wall) are spaced with a 6mm shadow gap between them. I’m not making this easy for myself!A video I saw on YouTube the guy uses grab adhesive gunned into in lots of small circles which created suction when they were compressed. He was using 18mm ply though so the compression was probably easier.
Whatever I use I think I’m going to end up with some kind of elaborate system of supports to keep the boards flat to the wall while the adhesive goes off.
You should really trowel whatever you are using evenly with a fine notched trowel to help even bonding. I guess it depends a little bit on how flat the plasterboard is, is it fixed to studs or loose sheet. What you are doing is a kind of chunky veneer and the glue I've had success with in the past is contact adhesive. You might need to prime the ply to avoid it sucking up all the moisture. Usually you need a roller of some sort to flatten it out.