Star date 2121-04. Captain Jean Luc Picard, previously captured by a hyper-intelligent hive mind race on a cube shaped space ship, has escaped his mind probe hook-up and is wandering the craft looking for an escape route. Suddenly he is met face-to-face with a crew member and freezes in fear. Quite unexpectedly the assumed foe greets him with a smile and speaks, his voice, a reassuring whisper tinged with empathetic concern
“Follow me, our lives depend upon it”
Picards gut instinct tells him to strike the other being down from behind and flee. But no, something about the strangers manner leads Picard on.
“Do not be alarmed Jean Luc, we want the same. I too seek sanctuary amongst sentient beings. To have recognition as an individual, free of the constraints of this un-earthly cerebral prison in a land that is free and allows me to express my creative ability.
I can show you the way out and back to the Enterprise, if you would just accept me amongst your peers. Allow me to live amongst you as one and the same”.
“How can I believe you?” Replies Picard
“For I know, this could be a trap and you are leading me back to the control centre and a life of eternal confinement of mind and body.”
“How indeed?” replies the stranger. “After all, I look the same as all the others”
“Give me proof” insists Picard “Proof you really mean what you say. Proof you act in your own interests and would willingly take a persona”
“Oh, I mean it” replies the other “I’m Earnest Borg Nine.”
Star date 2121-04. Captain Jean Luc Picard, previously captured by a hyper-intelligent hive mind race on a cube shaped space ship, has escaped his mind probe hook-up and is wandering the craft looking for an escape route. Suddenly he is met face-to-face with a crew member and freezes in fear. Quite unexpectedly the assumed foe greets him with a smile and speaks, his voice, a reassuring whisper tinged with empathetic concern
“Follow me, our lives depend upon it”
Picards gut instinct tells him to strike the other being down from behind and flee. But no, something about the strangers manner leads Picard on.
“Do not be alarmed Jean Luc, we want the same. I too seek sanctuary amongst sentient beings. To have recognition as an individual, free of the constraints of this un-earthly cerebral prison in a land that is free and allows me to express my creative ability.
I can show you the way out and back to the Enterprise, if you would just accept me amongst your peers. Allow me to live amongst you as one and the same”.
“How can I believe you?” Replies Picard
“For I know, this could be a trap and you are leading me back to the control centre and a life of eternal confinement of mind and body.”
“How indeed?” replies the stranger. “After all, I look the same as all the others”
“Give me proof” insists Picard “Proof you really mean what you say. Proof you act in your own interests and would willingly take a persona”
“Oh, I mean it” replies the other “I’m Earnest Borg Nine.”