That’s a good book. Quite technical but be warned the recipes are all at the uppermost hydration and you don’t need as much water in most of them!
I’d suggest doing a one day course to learn some technique though a lot of technique you work out for yourself and how you handle the dough physically.
The River Cottage Bread Book is IME great for a beginner; Dan Lepard's The Handmade Loaf is also good. Andrew Whitley's Bread Matters goes into more technical detail and has a good discussion of technique; most of the recipes are based on wholemeal flour, though he discusses how to adapt them for white.
Never made bread at home, but the wife is very keen to learn and her birthday is coming up, any book recommendations for bread making? Would like one that explains the basic concepts and how to harness them rather than just recipes..
Is the Sourdough School one along the lines of the above?