PS I'm totally addicted to this compressor, don't ask me why, it just makes everything betterer...
I feel like this about the Keeley Compressor Plus. I need to dial it back a bit on the Tele-Tele but on the P90-Tele it feels like a no-brainer.
Ta for pedalboard encouragement btw, I did a few exploratory dry layouts the other day but I’ll see what makes sense when it’s all plugged in… my problem is when I’m mucking about at home I’m constantly changing stuff so I’m not sure what my go-to choice of 6-8 pedals looks like, really. Easy enough to change I guess.
Easy enough to change I guess.
That all depends on what you do with the spaghetti on the side nobody sees... I did a real number on it last time which made it almost impossible to diagnose what the problem was, got fed up very quickly...
Can you customise the length of power cables? How do the pros do it? It always looks so neat on those boards...
My main pedalboard has been fucked for a month, starting a new job has meant I haven't had the energy or the inclination to troubleshoot the problem... Was talking to a mate earlier, total GASbag convo, anyway... I decided I was gonna make a mini board with just the bare essentials... And, voila! A totally accidental TC Electronic board, the only weak spot is the delay cuz the Space Echo is, quite frankly, fucking unbeatable... Woop, I can play electric guitar again!! 🙃
PS I'm totally addicted to this compressor, don't ask me why, it just makes everything betterer...
PPS What's a Space Echo-ish pedal in a compact format?