Normally you'd need planning permission, yes, although some local authorities have a policy of allowing them without. If it blocked light to a basement flat then there may well be issues of interference with a right of light, yep. Rights of lights are an exception to the general rule that lessees can't acquire prescriptive easements against the lessor.
My local authority (Waltham Forest) published this guide to bike sheds - https://www.walthamforest.gov.uk/node/6413
There may be a similar thing for your area.
In short:
- 2m x 1m x 1.5m max
- perpendicular to highway, ie side boundary
- non-obstrusive colour
- 2m x 1m x 1.5m max
Bike/ bin stores in front of houses, I see these around, more so in Bristol, but aren't they forbidden under 'outhouse' permitted planning laws?
I guess you'd need proper planning permission right? In which case I'm likely to fall foul of 'right to light' in a Victorian terrace.