Actually, it might be easier just to use your phone as a GPS sometime, I do when I don't want to use it to navigate and battery isn't too bad once you turn it on airplane mode (as it only use the GPS to track it, abet more effectively if you have wifi and cellular data).
a GPS is useful mainly for one reason, not just nagivating but also drawing route you want to explore/create and put it on the GPS, the eTrex is the best one but not the easiest to work with, modern Garmin/Wahoo/etc. are way better than in the past as they used to rely on computer connection, having a smartphone simplified it more.
personally the best app to create route is ridewithgps on account of having dozen of maps type that includes cycle one normally not show up in google maps.
Quite a minefield these GPS puters, found my old Samsung galaxy S3 in a box under my bed, gonna spend £10 on a new battery, install strava app to track ride distance etc, and navigate using google maps for now. But please all feel free to keep your GPS unit advice coming, I'm making a mental tally of votes cast, and the Congleton judge's decision is final.