Its a valuation survey related to their mortgage, can't quite remember the details but they're not moving - they just don't have the cash to fix the bathroom right now. There was a very worrying bounce in the tiled floor that I can't imagine will be cheap to sort (I'm suspecting a few rotten joists). They're our downstairs neighbours in the same building, and we've all just had to fork out 8k each for a new roof, which has understandably taken up a lot of their cash for home improvements.
Just thought I'd offer a word of warning. TX110 does definitely "go off". I had some old bags that were still sealed (couple years old maybe) so I tried to use one of those to do the repair. After an hour of waiting, it hadn't started to set at all. So I tried encouraging it with a hairdryer, which just encouraged more of the damaged plaster off the wall. Note that it was about 830pm, and this was supposed to be a favour for the neighbour before they had a survey done today. So I end up scraping the wet filler out, including more of the old plaster that has gone soft with the added moisture, and I try and bodge it with this stuff that I had kicking about,
and had previously had good results with.
It's a great filler for deep holes and sets rock hard, but was a complete nightmare to try and fill a large shallow hole with, impossible to float flat. So I made a big mess, and now have to go and sand it flat.
This was after spending a couple hours wrestling on some bath panels - the floor is completely rotten and warped, which is why the old sides had been taken off, but it meant that I had to aggressively scribe the new sides on (taking off the lip on the bottom to aid fitting). It was just a total fiasco, aggravated by the notion that it needed to just be a quick job to cover the damage beneath the bath for when they survey is done (is does look better tbf).
So the work is too shit to ask any money for (aside from covering materials), I feel guilty about the quality of workmanship, and I'll probably end up having to do it properly at some point anyway. FML.
CSB/ but I just needed that out my system!