I'm planning to cycle from Paris to Perpigan in the south of France in a couple of weeks, heading down along the Rhone valley. One of the things I can't figure out is whether to take a lock or not, and if so what kind.... Should I buy a flimsy thing, meaning it's light but will act as a deterrent, or something more substantial but which will also weigh (quite) a bit more? I couldn't find a specific thread on the forum about this, so wondered what people's experiences were.
So, specifically:
Do you take a lock when you're (solo) touring?
If you do, what kind
and what's your rationale? If not, what's your rationale?
I'm planning to cycle from Paris to Perpigan in the south of France in a couple of weeks, heading down along the Rhone valley. One of the things I can't figure out is whether to take a lock or not, and if so what kind.... Should I buy a flimsy thing, meaning it's light but will act as a deterrent, or something more substantial but which will also weigh (quite) a bit more? I couldn't find a specific thread on the forum about this, so wondered what people's experiences were.
So, specifically: