Flyweights are off by 1kg and then feather, light, welter and middle are all the same kg limits for men and women. Get your point but still feels discriminatory.
According to the olympic web site there were only three weight categories for women fighters in 2016 and they only added two new ones here once they had enough potential competitiors to make a competition of it. The plan is to create more weight classes as/when women's boxing gains in popularity so they have enough numbers to make up more weight classes.
The extra two categories for women in Japan (at Rio 2016 there were three categories), mean female participation will triple in a bid for greater gender equality, while maintaining boxing quality.
Totally agree that parity should be the goal.
I think they try to roughly match the weight divisions for male and female boxers and there probably aren't enough 75kg+ female boxers to put on an Olympic competition.