You have previous on here for getting a hard-on for AI without actually understanding it. Don't be surprised when this irritates people who have some knowledge either of the computing field or the specific area where the AI/ML you're uncritically hyping is being applied. It's not because they're Luddites, it's because they care.
Have I? I don’t recall. It’s not my field of expertise, and given how far outside of most people’s fields of expertise it is I’d hope 1) media did a better job covering it critically, and 2) experts/critics did a better job of voicing their concerns. I uncritically repeated what multiple MSM said, you got me there, but to be irritated at me for being interested in learning more (hence posting it here, on a bicycle forum, for discussion) and not doing it well enough for you (I presume an expert), seems harsh.
I think we can all agree that I post here too much anyway. Shrug* I’ll tone it down.
I think we can all agree that I post here too much anyway.
Ech, don't listen to anybody who tells you that. Some of the worst gatekeepers on this site still write dozens of posts here ever day despite having moved to whole other continents.
Have I? I don’t recall. It’s not my field of expertise, and given how far outside of most people’s fields of expertise it is I’d hope 1) media did a better job covering it critically, and 2) experts/critics did a better job of voicing their concerns. I uncritically repeated what multiple MSM said, you got me there, but to be irritated at me for being interested in learning more (hence posting it here, on a bicycle forum, for discussion) and not doing it well enough for you (I presume an expert), seems harsh.
I think we can all agree that I post here too much anyway. Shrug* I’ll tone it down.