• Very likely that new restrictions will be imposed in the coming months. It'll be completely our fault though, as we were doing so well whilst restrictions were in place and it all went wrong when the proles were allowed to make their own decisions.

  • I don't think that 'it's completely our fault'. Starting from when Cummings was exposed and then lied to the public, backed by Johnson, the Government completely lost people's trust, sent out mixed messages, and confused them, practised cronyism, constantly got policy and timing wrong, and recently the Hancock/Coladangelo incident--as I said somewhere earlier, the world outside journalism and publicity has long made its decision, and it's to act as if the pandemic's over. It's not, and all of this will only prolong it and make it worse.

    One thing to always bear in mind when people like Johnson crow on about 'freedom', what they actually mean is licence, mainly for the likes of them.
