Yeah real good advice. I've started training, he's smart. Knowa sit, lay down, come, fetch, crate, paw already. Your right about the toys too. I have yo hold onto it. Or he just takes them all outside and come back and starts biting again. I did find the kong filled with chicken really good, loves it and keeps him distracted for ages.
The hand / foot biting nearly drove me to despair when ours was a puppy.
We were recommended using these really hard chew sticks called a bully/pizzle stick, google what it is at your own peril, but one of those used to last months when she was a pup and was a great way to distract her from trying to shred my jeans, and we also used it to placate her when she was trying to settle in the crate / night time / anytime we needed to work from home. I think other people use Yak sticks but they may not be available in Spain, we can't get them in NZ.
I really liked channeling that bitey play into playing tug with the dog. We made some from plaited microfibre cloth strips (we were in lockdown and it was all we could fashion), now we have a tug toy from Tug-E-Nuff in the UK and it's great.
I'm not sure the best age to start training it but ours used to get crazy excited whenever I'd enter the room so I did the "flitting game"
and I can't remember where I read about it but basically any time I had to leave the room like go to the loo when coming back I wouldn't give her loads of attention, just a look in the eyes and more praise once they've settled. By not making a fuss of coming and going pretty quickly they'll learn that if you leave the room you're coming back and also that they get praise if they're settled rather than jumping up.
The biting, best thing I found was just always having a toy to swap out. The yelping or whatever doesn't work it just makes it a game for them. They learn by experience and they have a fun game biting your hands with noises then they'll do it again, if you rarely ever let them bite you then it won't become a habit. But it'll happen and it hurts with puppy razor teeth.