I've had an ooni karu for about 15 months and it's spent the whole time in the garden with the cover on and it doesn't have a single rust spot as of yet. I don't have anywhere in my house where I can store it so I took a gamble with keeping it outside and it's been fine.
Another thing to consider with a 'proper' pizza oven is how much time it takes to get it going and managing, the ooni/roccbox types are way better for home use imo.
Maybe more for the DIY thread, but anything I should be concerned about building a pizza oven type thing adjoining a house wall? I'm assuming the heat will all be contained within the brick/plaster and the exterior isn't going to set the house on fire etc.
Yes I could just build a solid shelf and get a pair of roccbox/other but I don't want to have to bring something inside after use/leave it to rust outside.