Google Maps sometimes switches into a lite mode if you don't have enough computrones or something. There is sometimes a link in a bottom corner to go back to full mode. Do you have anything like that?
Some requirements for 3D at https://support.google.com/maps/answer/3096703?hl=en&ref_topic=3093612&co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&oco=0#zippy=%2Csee-system-and-browser-requirements%2Coperating-systems%2Cvideo-card-hardware-and-drivers
'Oblique' - yes 3D. I've lost the 3D button. But the 2D aerial photos are also lower res than they were.
I'd forgotten about Google Earth and it's good but a bit of a pain to load. Google Earth, regular Maps and My Maps or whatever it is, why aren't they the same thing?!