Yeah I love tennis, althought my enjoyment of watching it has strangely faded over the years. Maybe only with age do I realise what a headfuck it is. They all have the knowledge and confidence to execute any possible shot with perfection, but doing so against a different opponent and on different days makes it a case of internal warfare. As a player I can see it's unbelievably easy to tunnel into a world of self-hatred and anger when shots that have been made hundreds of thousands of times begin to seem impossible to make in the face of a clever opponent (or a bad day).
It's totally different kind of mental resillance to cycling I think.
1) Cycling - best sport to do IRL
2) Baseball / cricket - best sport for stat wonks
3) Basketball - best sport for clothing / shoes
4) Football - best sport for social division, furthering the patriarchy, and fuelling male violence
5) Snooker - best sport to watch on TV
6) Darts - best sport for substance abuse
7) Skateboarding - skateboarding is not a sport
8) Tennis / Ruby / anything at the Olympics - most people are out of energy for these niche pursuits except for once a year max
9) Ice hockey - IRL is great but still after all these years of improved resolution it's still impossible to see the goddamn puck on the telly