I rather have people get vaccinated out of their free will, and there is always a risk of "feature creep"
Had a discussion with a swiss french/german that had the issue of forcing people to have vaccine, but the counter is that people should want to as covid is real and the reality of not being ill or not having severe symptoms requiring hospitalisation or longer issues.
Are the vaccine side effects that bad compared to covid short and long term effects?
I agree but not all users are the same.
That's public health for you.
I don't think the hard antivaxxers can be reasoned out of a position that they didn't reason themselves into.
Some people on the fence may not take the vaccine if they think this is government overreach.
Of course if more people DO take it now, it works out. But long term it can lead to trust issues.
It's all not so easy as we don't all see the world the same way.
N=1 example which could cause me, if I didn’t have a logical brain, to believe the vaccine is worse. I got Covid early in the first wave (confirmed by positive antibody test when picked up for random testing a few months later). Had a fever for one night, ‘bad cold’ symptoms for four days, then smell and taste went for 10 days. 14 days after first symptoms I was back on the bike and then had one of my best years of riding ever, so no long-term effects as far as I could tell.
7.5 weeks ago I had my first Moderna jab. Since then I have been ill for a combined period of 4 weeks on three separate occasions. This could lead me to deduce something about the jab if it wasn’t for the fact that each period of illness followed my daughter bringing home an illness from childcare (each time the whole family got PCR tests which were negative so I think the standard viruses are also now having a field day as society reopens). I have my second jab booked this Sunday and am looking forward to having it, however if I was a simpler soul I can see how I would have gone Jab+Illnesses=Bad and become a lot more hesitant about taking the second shot.
Not sure how unique or not my experience is, but humans love finding patterns in things so I would worry about those who might have an experience like mine and identify causality where there is none.
I rather have people get vaccinated out of their free will, and there is always a risk of "feature creep" with such measures and it can lead to more vaccine resistance perhaps in some groups.
However, if the carrot approach does not work the stick it is.
A 3 page essay would be enough of a deterrent as well I like that 😆