I rather have people get vaccinated out of their free will, and there is always a risk of "feature creep" with such measures and it can lead to more vaccine resistance perhaps in some groups.
However, if the carrot approach does not work the stick it is.
A 3 page essay would be enough of a deterrent as well I like that 😆
I rather have people get vaccinated out of their free will, and there is always a risk of "feature creep"
Had a discussion with a swiss french/german that had the issue of forcing people to have vaccine, but the counter is that people should want to as covid is real and the reality of not being ill or not having severe symptoms requiring hospitalisation or longer issues.
Are the vaccine side effects that bad compared to covid short and long term effects?
Strikes me as a good idea.
Want to go to the pub? Show you're vaccinated, show that for medical reasons you cannot, or write an original three page essay that coherently and cogently explains why the public health interest in you being vaccinated is outweighed by your desire to be a sociopath.