I watched a fair bit and skipped through too - there's nothing too complex going on with the control, it's bass patterns off the octatrack bottom row centre (controlling bottom row left and the moog tower),with drums running off the TR8 and percussion off the other boxes top row left. Noises off the modular rig, maybe some bass.
Everything is sync'd up (obviously) and he's done some clever stuff with layering patterns in the same track so he can move between bass synths/patterns but there's usually only 3-4 things making noises at once... What makes it is the performance aspect and playing with drums/percussion to give the patterns movement. -
This guy does some incredible stuff. I don’t understand how he keeps track of what piece of kit is controlling which sounds.
If you're into this check out, Steevio on Utoob.
He does the modular thing but using predominantly Doepfer- the originators of the eurorack format- great for super affordable basic building block modules (less of the expensive computer in a module) to make some incredible mathematical tech music..
I’ve been going down all sorts of YouTube rabbit holes while I wait for the rest of my hardware to arrive.
This guy does some incredible stuff. I don’t understand how he keeps track of what piece of kit is controlling which sounds.