I don't know about consensus but I raced Pro 4 Endurance 28mm for one of the TCRs and finished without a flat. ~4000km with some gravel and other random shit. They had life left in them but I think I've killed them off now. GP 4000 were good. I think 5000s are too thin but I need to try them out to see. Unlike the GP4000s which came up 32mm, the Pro4 are actually 28mm so depending on your frame you might want to look at 32mm options too. I used a GP Urban 35mm on the rear during TIBR (came up 34mm) and that worked pretty well. Flatted once hitting a rock at speed but other than that pretty fine.
Pro 4 Endurance are great but impossible to find these days in 28mm. The newer Power Endurance is also out of stock everywhere. The Power Road review well though.
I've not tried any of the Power tyres. I was put off them for some reason early on and I've never looked at them again. I think the earlier batches were really slow or something.
I don't know about consensus but I raced Pro 4 Endurance 28mm for one of the TCRs and finished without a flat. ~4000km with some gravel and other random shit. They had life left in them but I think I've killed them off now. GP 4000 were good. I think 5000s are too thin but I need to try them out to see. Unlike the GP4000s which came up 32mm, the Pro4 are actually 28mm so depending on your frame you might want to look at 32mm options too. I used a GP Urban 35mm on the rear during TIBR (came up 34mm) and that worked pretty well. Flatted once hitting a rock at speed but other than that pretty fine.