Try not to interact with these kind of people on random pages.
As I said, am angry and upset at this level of stupidity and fact avoidance. Do we live in a world where we choose our own facts?
Also means you get me rant and raving on here as we all agree that Covid is real, it is not the 'flu and loved ones have died in large numbers, there is no conspiracy that masks are mind control devices, there is no tracking chip and 5g is nothing to do with covid.
The only conspiracy I that I will discuss is that the covid lockdown was a cover up to change the batteries in birds.
Try not to interact with these kind of people on random pages.
As I said, am angry and upset at this level of stupidity and fact avoidance. Do we live in a world where we choose our own facts?
Also means you get me rant and raving on here as we all agree that Covid is real, it is not the 'flu and loved ones have died in large numbers, there is no conspiracy that masks are mind control devices, there is no tracking chip and 5g is nothing to do with covid.
The only conspiracy I that I will discuss is that the covid lockdown was a cover up to change the batteries in birds.