• I currently own an 2001 H6 3.0L Outback and it feels fast enough. Personally the weak link is the ride height as it can feel a bit boaty in the corners, it's no sports car. I imagine a normal Legacy might be better in this respect, but also how fast do you really want to go on public roads? It is quite thirsty, but I only use it for weekends and odd trips so not a deal breaker. If I was using it everyday to commute it might be a different story. We're driving up the lake district tomorrow and currently have 3 bikes in the back with ample space for bags. We also moved house with it which on reflection was a bridge too far.

  • I drove one of that gen Outbacks down to South of France at Christmas one year (long time ago). On the return journey there was a snow storm as we were driving through the Massif Centrale. Many BM and Merc abandoned on the hard shoulder. We drove on more or less as if nothing were happening.

    Great car.
