Cheap(ish) headphones recommendation? All mine are Bluetooth.
I think DT990s are probably your best bang for buck at around the £100 mark. The air at the top end is a little hyped but you can work around it easily enough. DT880s are amazing but an extra £50 or so which is odd for a pair of practically identical headphones. I've never used the DT770s (which are slightly more closed back) but I imagine they're of a similar quality.
Incidentally I use a pair of 250ohm headphones with a standard ThinkPad and it drives them fine. I'm not sure I'd go up to 600ohms or anything like that but 250 seems fine to me.
Hmmm - cheers. That might be one for further down the line.
Cheap(ish) headphones recommendation? All mine are Bluetooth.